
SweatyYaya is a blog created to help Yoga St. Louis Intro students with building a home practice. SweatyYaya is a memorable mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word: svadhyaya. Svadhyaya is the practice of self-study and is one of the niyamas (observances) presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


This blog is for information only and should not be considered medical advice of any kind.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Bruce's January Intro Classes

Thursday 6.30p Intro: Week 4 (Jan 29, 2009)
2 new students
Word-by-word explanation of Bhojaraja’s Patanjali invocation. Focus on sitting and restorative poses. The inner mind is an expression of the outer body.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Baddha Konasana
a. With the back to the wall, sit high enough on a bolster that the knees are not above the hip crests.
b. Narrow brick between the feet to open the groins. Sit higher if necessary.
c. Medium width brick between the feet to open the groins.

2. Adho Mukha Svanasana

3. Ujjayi I in Bolster Supta Baddha Konasana
a. Belt tailbone to ankles

4. Ujjayi I in Bolster Savasana

Tuesday 6.30p Intro: Week 4 (Jan 27, 2009)
1 new student
Since so few students came because of the snowstorm, we took this opportunity to address difficulties specific to each pupil. An experienced student proclaimed “Tadasana is easy!” What is subtle to the student is gross to the teacher: how he lifts the arch of the foot has a reciprocal effect on that student’s back spasms.

Next week we will resume working on the syllabus, including Parsvottanasana with hands on bricks, head down, and Urdhva Hasta Dandasana & Padangustha Dandasana (using a belt, if necessary). We cannot proceed to Paschimottanasana unless and until pupils can hold toes in Padangustha Dandasana. Add Cross Bolster Setubandha as prep for future Chair Sarvangasana.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Tadasana/Samasthiti

a. Align the center of the ankle over the center of the heel.
b. How lifting the arches of the feet affect the lift of the inner knees.

2. Urdhva Namaskarasana

a. Belt upper arms and stretch the latissimi.

3. Viparita Karani
a. Substituted for Sarvangasana Cycle due to shoulder, blood pressure, hamstring problems

Tuesday 4.30p MS: Week 4 (Jan 27, 2009)
Since so few students came because of the snowstorm, we took this opportunity to review basic actions that provide more stability and balance in the standing poses.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Trestler Utthita Trikonasana
a. Lift R hamstring out of the back knee to prevent collapse
b. With Student’s back to the wall, Assistant uses strap to turn R thigh out.

2. Trestler Utthita Parsvakonasana
a. No limitation due to hamstring shortness, but don’t allow inner knee to wander towards the midline. The knee receives the action of the adjacent joints: When the arch is high, the knees knock, and there is a hyperlordosis, extend more from the groin towards the inner knee (BR). When the arch is collapsed, with normal lordosis, lift the toes and press down the first metatarsal head to lift the arch and align the knee. The retracked knee cap obscures the true alignment, so observe the entire limb and its relationship to the pelvis. (MF).
b. With Student’s back to the wall, Assistant uses strap to turn R thigh out.

3. Tadasana/Samasthiti
a. To prevent knees from knocking, insert a rolled towel between inner thighs and belt shins in to stretch outer knee ligaments and to reduce outer knee concavity.

4. Viparita Karani

Tuesday 6.30p Intro: Week 3 (Jan 20, 2009)
4 new students
Discussion: Niyamas in practice.
Added Baddha Hasta Tadasana to concentrate both on opening the armpit chest, and keeping the floating ribs back. This repeats and reinforces what we did last week. Then repeat in other standings. Parsvottanasana legs to teach Virabhadrasana I legs.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Tadasana/Samasthiti

2. Tadasana (Baddha Hasta arms)
a. Press floating ribs back into the arm to free the diaphragm

3. Tadasana (Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana)

4. Utkatasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & emphasis

5. Virabhadrasana II
a. Swap first prior to Trikonasana to get freedom in hips without the challenge of stiff hamstrings.

6. Utthita Trikonasana
a. Lift the kneecap and back knee to prevent knee or right posterior ankle pain.
b. Head back to open armpit chest.

7. Utthita Parsvakonasana
a. second time: From Virabhadrasana II, Lift inner right ankle, inner shin and inner knee to prevent inner knee from wandering medially. This is saucha, purity, in action. Then take the right hand down.
b. third time: From Virabhadrasana II, with Baddha Hasta arms to press floating ribs back into the arm to prevent lower back pain. Sit the right buttock down. Then take the right hand down to the floor.

8. Tadasana/Samasthiti
a. Observe the height of the groin that has come as a result (karmaphala) of the prior standing actions (karma).

9. Utthita Trikonasana

10. Vrksasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & emphasis

11. Parsvottanasana
a. Swapped with Virabhadrasana I to teach Virabhadrasana I legs.
b. Right foot on brick, toes up the wall to pull right hip back
c. Second time: Straighten left inner knee. Keeping the left shin back, turn the left calf from inner towards outer to bring the left hip forward.
d. Third time: Feet wider apart laterally to bring the left hip forward. Bend the right knee (as in Virabhadrasana I) to bring the left hip more forward. Then, keeping it forward, straighten the knee.

12. Virabhadrasana I
As in Parsvottanasana:
a. Right foot on brick, toes up the wall to pull right hip back
b. Straighten left inner knee. Keeping the left shin back, turn the left calf from inner towards outer to bring the left hip forward.
c. Arms up in Urdhva Hastasana, bend the right knee.

13. Baddha Hasta Uttanasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

14. Sarvangasana Cycle
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

15. Forward Extensions
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

16. Savasana

Tuesday 4.30p MS: Week 3 (Jan 20, 2009)
No new students
Emphasis on Parsvottanasana leg actions that are common to Virabhadrasana I leg actions.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Upper Wall Rope Utkatasana
a. Substitute for Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana. Use the weight of the body to create a traction counter balance to open the shoulders.

2. Upper Wall Rope Urdhva Namaskarasana
a. Facing the wall, then cross the ropes to bring arms into Urdhva Namaskarasana.
b. With back to the wall, holding ropes, sit on a brick.

Standing poses at the wall: With the back to the wall, and holding the wall ropes to prevent fatigue or falling due to lack of balance and stamina

3. Virabhadrasana II
a. Swap first prior to Trikonasana to get freedom in hips without the challenge of stiff hamstrings.

4. Utthita Trikonasana
a. Lift the kneecap and back knee to prevent knee or right posterior ankle pain.
b. Head back to open armpit chest.

5. Virabhadrasana II

6. Utthita Parsvakonasana

7. Vrksasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & emphasis.

8. Parsvottanasana
a. Swapped with Virabhadrasana I to teach Virabhadrasana I legs.
b. Right foot on brick, toes up the wall to pull right hip back
c. Second time: Straighten left inner knee. Keeping the left shin back, turn the left calf from inner towards outer to bring the left hip forward.
d. Third time: Feet wider apart laterally to bring the left hip forward. Bend the right knee (as in Virabhadrasana I) to bring the left hip more forward. Then, keeping it forward, straighten the knee.

9. Virabhadrasana I
As in Parsvottanasana:
a. Right foot on brick, toes up the wall to pull right hip back
b. Straighten left inner knee. Keeping the left shin back, turn the left calf from inner towards outer to bring the left hip forward.
c. Arms up in Urdhva Hastasana, bend the right knee.

10. Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back)
a. Buttocks at wall, hands on chair seat, or, straddle a bolster stacked on 2 chair seats to widen the inner thighs, and go forward on the bolster.

11. Baddha Hasta Uttanasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

12. Chair Sarvangasana
a. Omitted for lack of time & emphasis

13. Forward Extensions
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

14. Viparita Karani
a. Substituted for Sarvangasana Cycle

Thursday 6.30p Intro: Week 2 (Jan 15, 2009)
1 new student
Discussion: Saucha, cleanliness and purity, in practice.
Omitted Urdhva Hastasana and variations to concentrate on Standing Poses in detail, with the back to the wall, to prevent fatigue for the pregnant student and to learn foot, knee and hip actions for all students. Baddha and Upavistha Konasana especially for pregnancy.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Upavistha Konasana

2. Baddha Konasana

3. Virabhadrasana II
a. Swap first prior to Trikonasana to get freedom in hips without the challenge of stiff hamstrings.
b. Outer right hip at wall to align right knee.
c. Medial knee pain: Lift inner right ankle, inner shin and inner knee.

4. Utthita Trikonasana
a. Lift the kneecap and back knee to prevent knee or right posterior ankle pain.

5. Utthita Parsvakonasana

6. Parsvottanasana
a. Omitted for lack of time

7. Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back)
a. Buttocks at wall

8. Forward Extensions
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

9. Baddha Konasana
a. Facing the Rope Wall, sit on bolster. Loop upper wall rope around back chest and through rope ring to pull open chest to keep chest up, off of baby.
b. With the back to the wall, recline on mini backbender to keep baby up, off of bladder

10. Cross Bolster Setubandha Sarvangasana
a. Substituted for Sarvangasana Cycle due to shoulder, prenatal, and hamstring problems.

Tuesday 6.30p Intro: Week 2 (Jan 13, 2009)
4 new students
Don’t collapse the chest by crossing the arms. The legs must lift to support the pelvis, and that action makes Urdhva Hastasana in the upper body easier. Focus on opening armpit chest with Baddha Hasta arms, keeping the torso upright in Parsva Hasta Padasana, and lifting the left in inner knee in Parsva Hasta Padasana. Target pose: Prasarita Padottanasana.

Invocation in Swastikasana

1. Baddha Hasta Swastikasana

2. Urdhva Hasta Swastikasana
a. Substituted for Urdhva Hasta Dandasana; inserted earlier in sequence to establish focus.

3. Tadasana/Samasthiti

4. Tadasana (Baddha Hasta arms)
a. Repeat after every subsequent standing pose.

5. Urdhva Hastasana

6. Utthita Hasta Padasana

7. Parsva Hasta Padasana

5. Virabhadrasana II
a. Swap first prior to Trikonasana to get freedom in hips without the challenge of stiff hamstrings.
b. Lift L inner knee up towards groin to prevent outer L ankle from painfully bloating out.
c. Lift pubic plate to prevent aggravating hiatal hernia.

6. Utthita Trikonasana

7. Utthita Parsvakonasana
a. Push down R hand on brick to take R outer knee back towards R outer hip, and then lift L inner knee.

8. Parsvottanasana (hands on bricks, head down)
a. Turn back leg in; R hip back; L hip forward; use as prep for Prasarita Padottanasana

9. Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back)

10. Parsvottanasana R - Prasarita Padottanasana - Parsvottanasana L - Prasarita Padottanasana (2X, fast)
a. If chest unable to lift due to leg stiffness, repeat Parsvottanasana only with hands on wall

11. Forward Extensions
a. Omitted for lack of time & flexibility

12. Viparita Karani
a. Substituted for Sarvangasana Cycle due to shoulder, blood pressure, hamstring problems

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