
SweatyYaya is a blog created to help Yoga St. Louis Intro students with building a home practice. SweatyYaya is a memorable mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word: svadhyaya. Svadhyaya is the practice of self-study and is one of the niyamas (observances) presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


This blog is for information only and should not be considered medical advice of any kind.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday 6:30p Intro: Week 5 (June 3, 2009)

Poses were chosen at random (plus others added in to make the sequence more logical) from the list of poses on the Teacher In Training syllabus for Assessment. The three standing poses, one seated and two inversions are indicated by *. Focus of the class: lengthening the sides of the waist & hips.

New poses introduced are indicated in bold face.

1. Tadasana

2. Urdhva Hastasana
After taking both arms up, bend each elbow and side bend towards that side to open ribcage & waist;

3. Utthita Trikonasana

4. Utthita Parsvakonasana

5. * Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Ut = intense, Tana = stretch
Turning, hands to bricks, concave back;
Lift front forefoot off ground to get length of side leg/hip, extend through big toe mound to put foot back down;
Lift heel off ground to move outer hip forward, extend through heel & inner knee to put heel back down;

6. * Uttanasana
Hands to bricks;
Keep knees drawn up to support backs of thighs;
Concave back: reach side chest forward, arms straight;
Convex back: reach side chest down, elbows bent out to sides;

7. * Padahastasana
Pada = foot, Hasta = hand
Stand on palms of hands, big toes touching wrists;
Push-pull hands and feet, arms straight, to open chest;
If unable to straighten knees, keep them bent and work on pulling up through the arms to concave the back;

8. Dandasana
Danda = staff or stick
Sit on buttock bones, chest up;
Extend inner heels & big toe mounds away;
Draw outer heels back towards hips;
Take top of sacrum in and up;

9. * Marichiasana 1 (twist only)
Marichi was a sage, chief of the storm gods
Seated on blankets in Dandasana, bend one knee & place heel near buttock;
Keep other leg extended in Dandasana, on center of heel;
Raise bent-knee-side arm up to extend side body, turn torso away from bent knee and place outer upper arm to inner bent knee;
Place other hand on brick behind blankets for support in lifting the chest;

10. * Chatushpadasana
Chatush = four, Pada = foot
Blankets (4) stacked, set up for the following pose as well;
Head off blanket stack, shoulders on, buttocks on bricks;
Bring heels in close to buttocks, big toe mounds touching bricks;
Raise hips, clasp hands under buttocks, roll side to side to get on top of upper arms;
Palms up, stand heels on palms;
Move tailbone towards backs of knees;
Move top of shins towards head to raise the chest;

11. * Salamba Sarvangasana
Salamba = with support, Sarvanga = entire body
Same action to get on top of upper arms as in Chatushpadasana;
Upper arms belted, legs swing to Halasana on chair seat;
Keep knees straight; raise each leg up and join them as in Tadasana;
Press down upper arms and lift tailbone;
Extend up through inner heels as in Dandasana;

12. Savasana

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