SweatyYaya is a blog created to help Yoga St. Louis Intro students with building a home practice. SweatyYaya is a memorable mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word: svadhyaya. Svadhyaya is the practice of self-study and is one of the niyamas (observances) presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.Disclaimer
This blog is for information only and should not be considered medical advice of any kind.Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday 9:30a Intro: Week 4 (Jan 26, 2009)
4 students – no new students;
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
Move into…
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
Move into…
5.) Utthita Trikonasana
6.) Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadra = warrior
7.) Vrksasana
Vrska = tree
8.) Vimanasana (2x)
Vimana = flying machine
— Bend front knee slowly so attention stays at the back leg; back heel at wall to press & get extension; keep back leg in Tadasana, inner knee moving towards wall;
— Arms out to sides for balance; lift chest by lifting from pubic plate;
10.) Virabhadrasana 1
11.) Uttanasana (5 min)
Uttan = extended
— Variation w/ buttocks at wall, upper thighs belted tightly to the wall so thighs do not come away when extending forward to take head to bolster on chair seat; shorter students stand on bricks so belt is across upper thigh, not hip bones or waist;
12.) Salamba Sarvangasana (10 min)
Salamba = supported; Sarvanga = entire body
— Variation: buttocks on folding chair, shoulders on blankets;
13.) Adho Mukha Virasana
Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira – hero
— “Child’s pose” as a rest after Sarvangasana;
14.) Baddha Konasana
Baddha = bound; Kona = angle
— Seated on bolster w/ back against the wall; brick support under the knees
Student with swollen L knee/leg in Viparita Karani (Viparita = reverse; Karani = process) to reduce swelling; additional support: legs belted w/ towel roll placed between upper knees/lower thighs.
Saturday 10:30a Intro: Week 4 (Jan 24, 2009)
9 students – one new student
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, asana = posture
Sama = same, sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— In middle of room; not getting hip action;
— Move mats parallel to wall to take support/balance;
4.) Utthita Trikonasana (several times)
— Work on hip drawing away from outer knee;
— Student with ankle pain: stress importance of the lift of the front thigh/quadriceps to support lengthening of back of thigh/hamstring to pull pain out of ankle;
— Other student unable to keep weight in the back leg when taking hand down to ankle/brick;
5.) Brick Tadasana
— Brick at inner upper thigh, then also above inner knee to prompt & feel lift of whole inner thigh; use that lift on both legs in…
6.) Utthita Trikonasana
— Back outer heel grounds, feels weighted when inner thigh lifts/supports;
— Toe mounds up on edge of brick, keep knee slightly bent to move the skin & flesh at the back of the thigh – relieves ankle pain;
— Front leg stronger, stable when entire thigh, front & back, are lifted;
7.) Uttanasana (2x)
Uttan = extended
— First time, Baddha Hasta (Baddha = bound, Hasta = hands/arms), hold elbows & bend forward; feel difficulties in pose to compare to…
— Second time, buttocks at wall, upper thighs belted tightly to the wall so thighs do not come away when extending forward to take head to bolster on chair seat;
8.) Savasana (5 min.)
Sava = corpse
— Modified with lower legs on chair seat, bolster on shins, blanket under head.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Friday 6:00a Asana 1: Week 4 (Jan 23, 2009)
NOTE: This is an Asana 1 class and not for beginners. All students have been attending classes at Yoga St. Louis for at least one year.
5 students. Class based from the post-menstrual sequence from Lois Steinberg’s book, Geeta S. Iyengar’s Guide to a Woman’s Yoga Practice (Volume 1). This sequence is not only ideal for the week just after the period ends but also for changes in the weather and, according to Lois re-balancing all the systems of the body, especially the hormonal system.
1.) Adho Mukha Virasana (5 minutes)
Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira = hero
— Bolster over brick support under torso, blanket under shins;
— Folded blanket under abdomen and another under buttocks if they don’t touch the heels;
— Option to keep chin lifted or head down;
2.) Adho Mukha Svanasana (2 – 3x; 5 min.)
Svana = dog
— Support under head (bolster or blanket);
— Optional, hold sides of mat to open & extend arms;
3.) Adho Mukha Svanasana (2x)
— Variation with feet on sticky mat on edge of chair seat;
4.) Uttanasana (2 – 3 min.)
Uttan = extended
— Head supported on chair or brick(s) per capability;
5.) Parsvottanasana (5 min. per side)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Arms folded on bolster on chair seat, head resting on arms;
6.) Prasarita Padottanasana (3 – 5 min.)
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— Head on bricks or floor;
— Lift inner knees; press palms to lift shoulders towards buttocks;
— Variation, holding ankles to widen and lift shoulders;
7.) Sirsasana (1 – 5 min.)
Sirsa = head
— At wall, 4-brick “house” to support upper back and take shoulder blades in;
— Student with neck/cervical problems to do between 2 porter stools to get length in cervical spine;
8.) Halasana
Hala = plough
— Optional chair support for feet; move into…
9.) Salamba Sarvangasana (5 – 10 min.)
Salamba = with support, Sarvanga = entire body
10.) Eka Pada Sarvangasana
Eka = one, Pada = foot
11.) Halasana
12.) Setubandha Sarvangasana (5 min.)
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation
— Roll out of Halasana, slide upper body off blanket stack, keep buttocks and thighs on; tuck shoulders under to keep chest open; close eyes and rest;
13.) Savasana (5 min.)
Sava = corpse
Wednesday 6:30p Intro: Week 3 (Jan 21, 2009)
3 students
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, asana = posture
Sama = same, sthiti = stable
— Foam brick at inner knee to awaken thighs & learn lift;
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
4.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First time done by itself; second time move into…
5.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
6.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
7.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
8.) Virabhadrasana 1 (2x)
— First time, practice turning feet & trunk, hands on hips;
— Second time, arms up;
9.) Vrksasana
Vrksa = tree
— Near wall, stand firm on Tadasana leg; arms up as in Virabhadrasana 1;
10.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Front heel up on two bricks: one on wide flat side, short end 2 – 3 inches from wall; the other propped at an angle on edge of long side;
— Bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall, stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, hands on wall & lift chest;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
11.) Uttanasana
Uttan = extended
— Arms in Baddha Hastasana (Baddha = bound, Hasta = hands/arms; holding the elbows near the crown of the head);
12.) Ardha Halasana
Ardha = half, Hala = plough
— Swing up from the floor to place feet on folding chair; 4 blankets under shoulders, head on the floor, elbows belted behind back, place hands on upper back;
— Toe tips on chair seat, keep knees straight, inner knees moving up towards ceiling; press upper arms down into blankets to lift the chest;
Move into…
13.) Eka Pada Sarvangasana
Eka = one, Pada = foot, Sarvanga = entire body
— Keep toes of one foot on chair seat, extend other leg upwards 90 degrees, both knees straight;
— Alternate legs; then extend both legs up into…
14.) Salamba Sarvangasana
Salamba = supported
— Full shoulder stand, press upper arms into blankets; extend tailbone up towards heels, legs in Tadasana;
— Return to…
15.) Ardha Halasana
16.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation
— Roll out of Ardha Halasana, slide upper body off blanket stack, keep buttocks and thighs on; tuck shoulders under to keep chest open; close eyes and rest;
14.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— From Setubandha Sarvangasana, move further off blankets so entire back & buttocks are on floor, rest with legs on blankets.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, asana = posture
Sama = same, sthiti = stable
— Foam brick at inner knee to awaken thighs & learn lift;
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
4.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First time done by itself; second time move into…
5.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
6.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
7.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
8.) Virabhadrasana 1 (2x)
— First time, practice turning feet & trunk, hands on hips;
— Second time, arms up;
9.) Vrksasana
Vrksa = tree
— Near wall, stand firm on Tadasana leg; arms up as in Virabhadrasana 1;
10.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Front heel up on two bricks: one on wide flat side, short end 2 – 3 inches from wall; the other propped at an angle on edge of long side;
— Bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall, stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, hands on wall & lift chest;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
11.) Uttanasana
Uttan = extended
— Arms in Baddha Hastasana (Baddha = bound, Hasta = hands/arms; holding the elbows near the crown of the head);
12.) Ardha Halasana
Ardha = half, Hala = plough
— Swing up from the floor to place feet on folding chair; 4 blankets under shoulders, head on the floor, elbows belted behind back, place hands on upper back;
— Toe tips on chair seat, keep knees straight, inner knees moving up towards ceiling; press upper arms down into blankets to lift the chest;
Move into…
13.) Eka Pada Sarvangasana
Eka = one, Pada = foot, Sarvanga = entire body
— Keep toes of one foot on chair seat, extend other leg upwards 90 degrees, both knees straight;
— Alternate legs; then extend both legs up into…
14.) Salamba Sarvangasana
Salamba = supported
— Full shoulder stand, press upper arms into blankets; extend tailbone up towards heels, legs in Tadasana;
— Return to…
15.) Ardha Halasana
16.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation
— Roll out of Ardha Halasana, slide upper body off blanket stack, keep buttocks and thighs on; tuck shoulders under to keep chest open; close eyes and rest;
14.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— From Setubandha Sarvangasana, move further off blankets so entire back & buttocks are on floor, rest with legs on blankets.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Monday 9:30a Intro: Week 3 (Jan 19, 2009)
4 students – no new students;
1 menstruating, 1 w/ swollen L leg (5-6 weeks); 1 w/ R lower back pain & R frozen shoulder.
Before class discussion on the first two Yamas, Ahimsa (= non-violence / non-harming) & Satya (= truthfulness) and how they relate to yoga practice. Stressed was the importance of being fully aware and attentive in our practice as well as in our everyday lives despite all the worldly things that draw our attention away from our physical and mental selves. If we ignore our pains, whether mental or physical (or both) and/or mask them with drugs, alcohol, TV, work, etc. how are we to figure out how to alleviate them for good? I’m not saying that you should be in pain, but can you detach (Vairagya) long enough to study what is really going on and try to understand the true source of the pain? And if possible, find relief with your yoga practice.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Student stumbled coming out of pose; prompted the questions “why?” and “what part(s) stopped doing the job of supporting?”; student to repeat the pose to try to find out, work on lifting the thighs strongly to ground the feet;
— Abhyasa & Vairagya (practice and detachment) to study pain and/or difficulty, such as stumbling or falling out of a pose;
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
5.) Tadasana
— Brick at lower thigh/just above the knee to “wake up” inner leg & learn the lift;
6.) Utthita Trikonasana
Move into…
7.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
8.) Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Sacrum & buttocks at the wall; use the wall to lift of pubic plate, keep pelvis level;
— Student with frozen shoulder keep arms down;
9.) Vimanasana
Vimana = flying machine
— Bend front knee slowly so attention stays at the back leg; back heel at wall to press & get extension; keep back leg in Tadasana, inner knee moving towards wall;
— Arms out to sides for balance; lift chest by lifting from pubis;
10.) Virabhadrasana 1 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— 2 students with arms up; 2 with hands on hips (shoulder & menstruating)
11.) Uttanasana
Uttan = extended
— Hands on bricks; buttocks at wall for alignment; “glue” buttock bones to the backs of thighs & lift from pubis;
— Watch/study knees so that they lift (is there Satya/truthfulness? Are they really lifting?);
— Student w/ lower back pain did not do – instead do Adho Mukha Virasana (Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira = hero / child’s pose) over bolster support;
12.) Viparita Karani
Viparita = reverse; Karani = process
— Given to rest after work of standings; also for student with swollen L leg
— Student with back pain in seated Gomukasana (Go = cow, Mukha = face) to open hips; then supine belted traction with legs in Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, belt at upper thighs, KD pulling on belt & holding legs at 90 degrees to relieve compression at the lower back;
— Student on menstrual period in Savasana with knees over bolster;
13.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
1 menstruating, 1 w/ swollen L leg (5-6 weeks); 1 w/ R lower back pain & R frozen shoulder.
Before class discussion on the first two Yamas, Ahimsa (= non-violence / non-harming) & Satya (= truthfulness) and how they relate to yoga practice. Stressed was the importance of being fully aware and attentive in our practice as well as in our everyday lives despite all the worldly things that draw our attention away from our physical and mental selves. If we ignore our pains, whether mental or physical (or both) and/or mask them with drugs, alcohol, TV, work, etc. how are we to figure out how to alleviate them for good? I’m not saying that you should be in pain, but can you detach (Vairagya) long enough to study what is really going on and try to understand the true source of the pain? And if possible, find relief with your yoga practice.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Student stumbled coming out of pose; prompted the questions “why?” and “what part(s) stopped doing the job of supporting?”; student to repeat the pose to try to find out, work on lifting the thighs strongly to ground the feet;
— Abhyasa & Vairagya (practice and detachment) to study pain and/or difficulty, such as stumbling or falling out of a pose;
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
5.) Tadasana
— Brick at lower thigh/just above the knee to “wake up” inner leg & learn the lift;
6.) Utthita Trikonasana
Move into…
7.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
8.) Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Sacrum & buttocks at the wall; use the wall to lift of pubic plate, keep pelvis level;
— Student with frozen shoulder keep arms down;
9.) Vimanasana
Vimana = flying machine
— Bend front knee slowly so attention stays at the back leg; back heel at wall to press & get extension; keep back leg in Tadasana, inner knee moving towards wall;
— Arms out to sides for balance; lift chest by lifting from pubis;
10.) Virabhadrasana 1 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— 2 students with arms up; 2 with hands on hips (shoulder & menstruating)
11.) Uttanasana
Uttan = extended
— Hands on bricks; buttocks at wall for alignment; “glue” buttock bones to the backs of thighs & lift from pubis;
— Watch/study knees so that they lift (is there Satya/truthfulness? Are they really lifting?);
— Student w/ lower back pain did not do – instead do Adho Mukha Virasana (Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira = hero / child’s pose) over bolster support;
12.) Viparita Karani
Viparita = reverse; Karani = process
— Given to rest after work of standings; also for student with swollen L leg
— Student with back pain in seated Gomukasana (Go = cow, Mukha = face) to open hips; then supine belted traction with legs in Urdhva Prasarita Padasana, belt at upper thighs, KD pulling on belt & holding legs at 90 degrees to relieve compression at the lower back;
— Student on menstrual period in Savasana with knees over bolster;
13.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
Friday, January 23, 2009
Saturday 10:30a Intro: Week 3 (Jan 17, 2009)
13 students – one on her menstrual period.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, asana = posture
Sama = same, sthiti = stable
— Foam brick at inner knee to awaken thighs & learn lift;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— In brick Tadasana;
3.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— In middle of room; second time into…
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (several times)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Emphasize back leg action: lift inner knee where brick was in Tadasana; extend outer heel down;
— Take short ends of mats to wall for repeated work on Parsvakonasana with back heel at wall so students can get the lift of inner back knee;
— Work on lift of frontal hip of the bent leg, to “levelize” pelvic “bowl”; sit the top of the thigh down; buttock bone moves towards the back of the knee to sit;
5.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Hold ropes, straighten arms dropping bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
6.) Utkatasana
— With sacrum at the wall; learn to keep pelvis level with lift of pubic plate;
7.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Front heel up on two bricks: one on wide flat side, short end 2 – 3 inches from wall; the other propped at an angle on edge of long side;
— Bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall, stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, hands on wall & lift chest;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
8.) Viparita Karani (10 min.)
Viparita = reverse; Karani = process
— “Legs up the wall” pose; buttocks & lower back supported with bolster; blanket under shoulders & another under head (optional);
— Menstruating student take Supta Baddha Konasana (Supta = supine, Baddha = bound, Kona = angle);
9.) Savasana (5 min.)
Sava = corpse
— Sliding off bolster from Viparita Karani, rest back chest & buttocks on floor; cross legs or extend straight; eyes closed.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, asana = posture
Sama = same, sthiti = stable
— Foam brick at inner knee to awaken thighs & learn lift;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— In brick Tadasana;
3.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— In middle of room; second time into…
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (several times)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Emphasize back leg action: lift inner knee where brick was in Tadasana; extend outer heel down;
— Take short ends of mats to wall for repeated work on Parsvakonasana with back heel at wall so students can get the lift of inner back knee;
— Work on lift of frontal hip of the bent leg, to “levelize” pelvic “bowl”; sit the top of the thigh down; buttock bone moves towards the back of the knee to sit;
5.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Hold ropes, straighten arms dropping bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
6.) Utkatasana
— With sacrum at the wall; learn to keep pelvis level with lift of pubic plate;
7.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Front heel up on two bricks: one on wide flat side, short end 2 – 3 inches from wall; the other propped at an angle on edge of long side;
— Bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall, stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, hands on wall & lift chest;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
8.) Viparita Karani (10 min.)
Viparita = reverse; Karani = process
— “Legs up the wall” pose; buttocks & lower back supported with bolster; blanket under shoulders & another under head (optional);
— Menstruating student take Supta Baddha Konasana (Supta = supine, Baddha = bound, Kona = angle);
9.) Savasana (5 min.)
Sava = corpse
— Sliding off bolster from Viparita Karani, rest back chest & buttocks on floor; cross legs or extend straight; eyes closed.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Friday 6:00a Asana 1: Week 3 (Jan 16, 2009)
NOTE: This is an Asana 1 class and not for beginners. All students have been attending classes at Yoga St. Louis for at least one year.
Seven students attended class on Friday. One student was on her menstrual cycle (day 4). VERY cold today (below zero at 6a).
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Use brick to awaken legs; extend through arms to warm up;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Half the class sinking in the back ribs with thighs forward; cannot feel alignment (too cold/stiff/early?)
3.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
4.) Virabhadrasana 2 (3x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First by itself, second and third times immediately preceding…
5.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Return to…
6.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Move into…
8.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Move into…
9.) Ardha Chandrasana
Ardha = half, Chandra = moon
— Turn from hips, place both hands on the floor, step left leg back for…
10.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— “Walk” hands and feet towards long end of the mat, spread feet further apart, toes turned in to parallel outer edges of feet to short ends of mat for…
11.) Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— First, look forward with concave back; palms on the floor under shoulders; second, take crown of head down to floor or brick(s), folding from hips;
— To come out, look forward with arms straight, step or hop feet together and stand up (inhale!);
— Repeat asanas 7 through 11 on second side;
12.) Utkatasana (3x)
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— First time, feet together in middle of room; lift from pubic plate;
— Second, feet together with sacrum at wall; same lift but easier to control at wall;
— Third, feet apart with sacrum at wall;
13.) Rope Utkatasana
— Get length at side body, armpits, repeat/learn action of legs and pubic plate from Utkatasana at wall;
14.) Vimanasana
Vimana = flying machine
— Preliminary pose to teach extension of back leg, open frontal hip flexor; back inner heel presses into wall to stabilize balance;
15.) Virabhadrasana 1
— Capitalize on length gained at side body from rope Utkatasana and action of sacrum learned from Utkatasana at the wall;
16.) Vrksasana
Vrksa = tree
— Arms in Urdhva Hastasana; get same length as learned in rope Utkatasana and Virabhadrasana 1;
17.) Parsvottanasana
— Hands on bricks
18.) Halasana / Salamba Sarvangasana
Hala = plough / Salamba = supported, Sarvanga = entire body
19.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Coming out from Halasana / Salamba Sarvangasana, hips on blankets, shoulders on floor to rest.
— Student on menstrual period (plus one other) in Supta Baddha Konasana (Supta = supine, Baddha = bound, Kona = angle); student with unstable neck in bench Sirsasana (Sirsa = head).
Seven students attended class on Friday. One student was on her menstrual cycle (day 4). VERY cold today (below zero at 6a).
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Use brick to awaken legs; extend through arms to warm up;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Half the class sinking in the back ribs with thighs forward; cannot feel alignment (too cold/stiff/early?)
3.) Urdhva Baddhanguilyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
4.) Virabhadrasana 2 (3x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First by itself, second and third times immediately preceding…
5.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Return to…
6.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Move into…
8.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Move into…
9.) Ardha Chandrasana
Ardha = half, Chandra = moon
— Turn from hips, place both hands on the floor, step left leg back for…
10.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— “Walk” hands and feet towards long end of the mat, spread feet further apart, toes turned in to parallel outer edges of feet to short ends of mat for…
11.) Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— First, look forward with concave back; palms on the floor under shoulders; second, take crown of head down to floor or brick(s), folding from hips;
— To come out, look forward with arms straight, step or hop feet together and stand up (inhale!);
— Repeat asanas 7 through 11 on second side;
12.) Utkatasana (3x)
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— First time, feet together in middle of room; lift from pubic plate;
— Second, feet together with sacrum at wall; same lift but easier to control at wall;
— Third, feet apart with sacrum at wall;
13.) Rope Utkatasana
— Get length at side body, armpits, repeat/learn action of legs and pubic plate from Utkatasana at wall;
14.) Vimanasana
Vimana = flying machine
— Preliminary pose to teach extension of back leg, open frontal hip flexor; back inner heel presses into wall to stabilize balance;
15.) Virabhadrasana 1
— Capitalize on length gained at side body from rope Utkatasana and action of sacrum learned from Utkatasana at the wall;
16.) Vrksasana
Vrksa = tree
— Arms in Urdhva Hastasana; get same length as learned in rope Utkatasana and Virabhadrasana 1;
17.) Parsvottanasana
— Hands on bricks
18.) Halasana / Salamba Sarvangasana
Hala = plough / Salamba = supported, Sarvanga = entire body
19.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Coming out from Halasana / Salamba Sarvangasana, hips on blankets, shoulders on floor to rest.
— Student on menstrual period (plus one other) in Supta Baddha Konasana (Supta = supine, Baddha = bound, Kona = angle); student with unstable neck in bench Sirsasana (Sirsa = head).
Wednesday 6:30p Intro: Week 2 (Jan 14, 2009)
3 students – 2 new, one returning
Opening talk about ahimsa or non-harming, how it relates to practice, why we discuss physical ailments before class and how not to further aggravate a problem (ex. headache).
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Learn order of action in straightening the knees: with knees slightly bent, lift thighs strongly in order to straighten – NOT straightening knees by throwing back then lifting;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Mats in middle of room; not getting the lift of the knees;
— Asanas 4, 5 and 6 performed with short end of mat at the rope wall and two bricks – one on wide flat side, the other propped on first at an angle on edge of long side – under heel so foot is at a natural angle for the ankle;
4.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
5.) Virabhadrasana 2 (3x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First time done by itself, keep torso erect (do not lean towards bent knee); work on bending the knee, opening the inner thigh; back leg straight;
— Second time move into…
6.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— “Sit” the buttock bone down, extend the side body with palm pressing the wall;
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Come up, then move into…
8.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
9.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Asanas 7, 8 and 9 performed with back heel at the wall;
10.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Use same brick set up as earlier, front heel on bricks; bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, fingertips on wall, chest up and shoulders down;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
11.) Paschima Baddha Hastasana
Paschima = back, Baddha = bound, Hasta = hand
— Students hold elbows, arms behind back to open the chest while they observe demonstration of…
12.) Halasana
Hala = plough
— Swing up from the floor to place feet on folding chair; 4 blankets under shoulders, head on the floor; elbows belted behind back, place hands on upper back;
— Toe tips on chair seat, keep knees straight, inner knees moving up towards ceiling; press upper arms down into blankets to lift the chest;
13.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Come out of Halasana, slide upper body off blanket stack, keep buttocks and thighs on; tuck shoulders under to keep chest open; close eyes and rest;
14.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— From Setubandha Sarvangasana, move further off blankets so entire back & buttocks are on floor, rest with legs on blankets.
Opening talk about ahimsa or non-harming, how it relates to practice, why we discuss physical ailments before class and how not to further aggravate a problem (ex. headache).
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Learn order of action in straightening the knees: with knees slightly bent, lift thighs strongly in order to straighten – NOT straightening knees by throwing back then lifting;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
3.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Mats in middle of room; not getting the lift of the knees;
— Asanas 4, 5 and 6 performed with short end of mat at the rope wall and two bricks – one on wide flat side, the other propped on first at an angle on edge of long side – under heel so foot is at a natural angle for the ankle;
4.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
5.) Virabhadrasana 2 (3x)
Virabhadra = warrior
— First time done by itself, keep torso erect (do not lean towards bent knee); work on bending the knee, opening the inner thigh; back leg straight;
— Second time move into…
6.) Utthita Parsvakonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— “Sit” the buttock bone down, extend the side body with palm pressing the wall;
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Come up, then move into…
8.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
9.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Asanas 7, 8 and 9 performed with back heel at the wall;
10.) Parsvottanasana (2x)
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Use same brick set up as earlier, front heel on bricks; bring both hips parallel to wall; front leg: draw hip away from wall stretch back and side of leg; back leg: hip draws towards wall & calf stretches; lift both knees;
— First time, fingertips on wall, chest up and shoulders down;
— Second time, hands move down wall towards bricks;
11.) Paschima Baddha Hastasana
Paschima = back, Baddha = bound, Hasta = hand
— Students hold elbows, arms behind back to open the chest while they observe demonstration of…
12.) Halasana
Hala = plough
— Swing up from the floor to place feet on folding chair; 4 blankets under shoulders, head on the floor; elbows belted behind back, place hands on upper back;
— Toe tips on chair seat, keep knees straight, inner knees moving up towards ceiling; press upper arms down into blankets to lift the chest;
13.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Come out of Halasana, slide upper body off blanket stack, keep buttocks and thighs on; tuck shoulders under to keep chest open; close eyes and rest;
14.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— From Setubandha Sarvangasana, move further off blankets so entire back & buttocks are on floor, rest with legs on blankets.
Monday 9:30a Intro: Week 2 (Jan 12, 2009)
4 students – no new students
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Learn alignment of ribcage & lift of pubic plate to alleviate strain in lower back; students confused, unable to feel positioning;
3.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Move quickly from Vira 2 into Parsvakonasana to get more mobility;
5.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
6.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Move into…
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
Move into…
8.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Move into…
9.) Utthita Trikonasana
— Asanas 5 through 9 were all performed first on the right side, then the sequence repeated on the left, each pose held approx. 30 sec. to 1 min each; students are familiar with the poses and can use them to warm up and bring awareness to the legs, hips;
10.) Utthita Trikonasana
Move into…
11.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Turn torso, back foot in, place hands on floor/bricks for…
12.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Repeat sequence (asanas 10, 11 and 12) on left side;
13.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Loop wrists through ropes, straighten arms dropping bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
14.) Supta Tadasana
Supta = supine, lying down, Tada = mountain
— Study alignment from beginning of class of ribcage with tops of thighs pressing towards floor; notice how the lumbar “pops” up when thighs go down; learn to adjust ribs keeping thighs in this position and reduce arch in lumbar;
15.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Supported over cross-wise bolster under mid back, blankets under buttocks and shoulders; modification for student with back injury: turn bolster to length-wise under back & buttocks;
16.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Learn alignment of ribcage & lift of pubic plate to alleviate strain in lower back; students confused, unable to feel positioning;
3.) Virabhadrasana 2 (2x)
Virabhadra = warrior
4.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Move quickly from Vira 2 into Parsvakonasana to get more mobility;
5.) Virabhadrasana 2
Move into…
6.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Move into…
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
Move into…
8.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Move into…
9.) Utthita Trikonasana
— Asanas 5 through 9 were all performed first on the right side, then the sequence repeated on the left, each pose held approx. 30 sec. to 1 min each; students are familiar with the poses and can use them to warm up and bring awareness to the legs, hips;
10.) Utthita Trikonasana
Move into…
11.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
— Turn torso, back foot in, place hands on floor/bricks for…
12.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Repeat sequence (asanas 10, 11 and 12) on left side;
13.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Loop wrists through ropes, straighten arms dropping bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
14.) Supta Tadasana
Supta = supine, lying down, Tada = mountain
— Study alignment from beginning of class of ribcage with tops of thighs pressing towards floor; notice how the lumbar “pops” up when thighs go down; learn to adjust ribs keeping thighs in this position and reduce arch in lumbar;
15.) Setubandha Sarvangasana
Setu = bridge, Bandha = formation, Sarvanga = entire body
— Supported over cross-wise bolster under mid back, blankets under buttocks and shoulders; modification for student with back injury: turn bolster to length-wise under back & buttocks;
16.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
Saturday 10:30a Intro: Week 2 (Jan 10, 2009)
13 students – no new students; two with headaches:
— Sinus headache, put in Adho Mukha Virasana (Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira = hero, otherwise known as child’s pose) with bolster support under chest until pain subsided (most of class), later in Baddha Konasana (Baddha = bound, Kona = angle) with back at the wall;
— Tension headache, fell on her front stairs the week earlier, bruising shoulder; didn’t have pain until we began arm work in class, then in Adho Mukha Virasana for the rest of class;
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Take arms up in stages: first at shoulder height, palms up, widen at neck/trapezium by extending from armpit to fingers; raise arms to a “V” and repeat until arms are above head;
— Arm actions: bicep extends towards shoulder AND tricep extends towards back of hand; both pull in to “hug” the humerus (upper arm bone);
3.) Supine Urdhva Hastasana (students in groups of 3)
— “The rack” traction: partner #1 supine on mat, buttocks near end of mat; arms extended over head, fingers interlaced around partner #2’s lower calf/upper ankle; partner #3 stands over #1, straddling waist just above hip bones to “block” pelvis from moving with arms; partner #2 moves foot away from #1’s head, dragging forefoot on sticky mat to extend their arms more and stretch sides;
4.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat to feel effects of supine stretch;
5.) Namaskarasana
Namaskar = prayer, greeting
— Palms together at center of chest;
6.) Urdhva Namaskarasana (4x)
from Urdhva Hastasana
— Feet together;
— Feet apart;
— Upper arms belted together across forehead;
— Student’s choice;
7.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
8.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they usually precede the side-to-side poses unless otherwise noted, even if their listing is not repeated.
9.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
10.) Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadra = warrior
11.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Actions of upper arm are the same in Utthita Trikonasana and Virabhadrasana 2 as in the first stage of first Urdhva Hastasana with arms shoulder-height;
— The upper arm in Utthita Parsvakonasana has the same action as both arms in full Urdhva Hastasana;
12.) Dandasana (4x)
Danda = staff or stick
— Feet together;
— Feet apart;
— Urdhva Hasta Dandasana, take arms up;
— Padangustha (= big toe) Dandasana;
13.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Rest on back, blanket supporting head; palms up, arms & legs relaxed; eyes closed.
— Sinus headache, put in Adho Mukha Virasana (Adho = downward, Mukha = face, Vira = hero, otherwise known as child’s pose) with bolster support under chest until pain subsided (most of class), later in Baddha Konasana (Baddha = bound, Kona = angle) with back at the wall;
— Tension headache, fell on her front stairs the week earlier, bruising shoulder; didn’t have pain until we began arm work in class, then in Adho Mukha Virasana for the rest of class;
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Take arms up in stages: first at shoulder height, palms up, widen at neck/trapezium by extending from armpit to fingers; raise arms to a “V” and repeat until arms are above head;
— Arm actions: bicep extends towards shoulder AND tricep extends towards back of hand; both pull in to “hug” the humerus (upper arm bone);
3.) Supine Urdhva Hastasana (students in groups of 3)
— “The rack” traction: partner #1 supine on mat, buttocks near end of mat; arms extended over head, fingers interlaced around partner #2’s lower calf/upper ankle; partner #3 stands over #1, straddling waist just above hip bones to “block” pelvis from moving with arms; partner #2 moves foot away from #1’s head, dragging forefoot on sticky mat to extend their arms more and stretch sides;
4.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat to feel effects of supine stretch;
5.) Namaskarasana
Namaskar = prayer, greeting
— Palms together at center of chest;
6.) Urdhva Namaskarasana (4x)
from Urdhva Hastasana
— Feet together;
— Feet apart;
— Upper arms belted together across forehead;
— Student’s choice;
7.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
8.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they usually precede the side-to-side poses unless otherwise noted, even if their listing is not repeated.
9.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
10.) Virabhadrasana 2
Virabhadra = warrior
11.) Utthita Parsvakonasana
Utthita = extended, Parsva = side, Kona = angle
— Actions of upper arm are the same in Utthita Trikonasana and Virabhadrasana 2 as in the first stage of first Urdhva Hastasana with arms shoulder-height;
— The upper arm in Utthita Parsvakonasana has the same action as both arms in full Urdhva Hastasana;
12.) Dandasana (4x)
Danda = staff or stick
— Feet together;
— Feet apart;
— Urdhva Hasta Dandasana, take arms up;
— Padangustha (= big toe) Dandasana;
13.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Rest on back, blanket supporting head; palms up, arms & legs relaxed; eyes closed.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wednesday 6:30p Intro: Week 1 (Jan 7, 2009)
Six students - two returning, four brand new - attended class on Wednesday. One new student had a sinus headache, which was addressed before class. Bruce (BR) put student in Adho Mukha Virasana (child’s pose) with bolster support under chest, blanket under shins. Headache reduced greatly and sinus clearer by start of class.
Because there were four students brand new to class, slightly more detail is given here in describing the poses than for Saturday and Monday, Week 1 in which there were no new students.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Spread weight in feet evenly; pull up thigh muscles lifting kneecaps; take fronts of thighs back; spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Lift the chest; roll arm bones back; shoulder blades down and into back body; extend arms down in line with hips;
— Move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Inhale to take arms up in line with ears, palms facing, elbows straight;
Everyone had arms bent & pushed thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up;
3.) Supine Urdhva Hastasana (students in groups of 3)
— “The rack” traction: partner #1 supine on mat, buttocks near end of mat; arms extended over head, fingers interlaced around partner #2’s lower calf/upper ankle; partner #3 stands over #1, straddling waist just above hip bones to “block” pelvis from moving with arms; partner #2 moves foot away from #1’s head, dragging forefoot on sticky mat to extend their arms more and stretch sides;
4.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat to feel effects of supine stretch;
5.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
6.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they will always precede the side-to-side poses even if their listing is not repeated.
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Keep knees drawn up, legs straight, extend trunk to right; place right hand on brick near ankle; extend left arm up; turn chest, waist and face towards rope wall; repeat on left side;
8.) Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
— Interlock fingers in front of chest; rotate palms to open and face away; straighten elbows; extend arms up towards ceiling, upper arms in line with ears; same stretch to side body as Urdhva Hastasana;
— Change interlock of fingers and repeat;
9.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
— Back against wall for balance; more attention on arm extension & shoulder blades moving away from ears;
— Face wall; upper palm presses brick to learn action of shoulder blade;
10.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat as earlier;
Student reporting numbness in hands when arms overhead; BR belted upper arms together (across forehead) in Urdhva Hastasana – numbness relieved;
11.) Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back)
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— Spread legs 4 to 5 feet apart; extend trunk forward from hips; place fingertips on floor (or bricks if spine rounding upwards) under shoulders, shoulder-width apart; look forward, lift chest;
12.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Head on folded blanket; shoulder blades tucked under, palms turned up, arms away from trunk; rest legs & breathe normally.
Because there were four students brand new to class, slightly more detail is given here in describing the poses than for Saturday and Monday, Week 1 in which there were no new students.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Spread weight in feet evenly; pull up thigh muscles lifting kneecaps; take fronts of thighs back; spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Lift the chest; roll arm bones back; shoulder blades down and into back body; extend arms down in line with hips;
— Move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Inhale to take arms up in line with ears, palms facing, elbows straight;
Everyone had arms bent & pushed thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up;
3.) Supine Urdhva Hastasana (students in groups of 3)
— “The rack” traction: partner #1 supine on mat, buttocks near end of mat; arms extended over head, fingers interlaced around partner #2’s lower calf/upper ankle; partner #3 stands over #1, straddling waist just above hip bones to “block” pelvis from moving with arms; partner #2 moves foot away from #1’s head, dragging forefoot on sticky mat to extend their arms more and stretch sides;
4.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat to feel effects of supine stretch;
5.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
6.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they will always precede the side-to-side poses even if their listing is not repeated.
7.) Utthita Trikonasana
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Keep knees drawn up, legs straight, extend trunk to right; place right hand on brick near ankle; extend left arm up; turn chest, waist and face towards rope wall; repeat on left side;
8.) Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
Urdhva = upward, Baddha = bound, Guily = fingers
— Interlock fingers in front of chest; rotate palms to open and face away; straighten elbows; extend arms up towards ceiling, upper arms in line with ears; same stretch to side body as Urdhva Hastasana;
— Change interlock of fingers and repeat;
9.) Utthita Trikonasana (2x)
— Back against wall for balance; more attention on arm extension & shoulder blades moving away from ears;
— Face wall; upper palm presses brick to learn action of shoulder blade;
10.) Urdhva Hastasana
— Repeat as earlier;
Student reporting numbness in hands when arms overhead; BR belted upper arms together (across forehead) in Urdhva Hastasana – numbness relieved;
11.) Prasarita Padottanasana (concave back)
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— Spread legs 4 to 5 feet apart; extend trunk forward from hips; place fingertips on floor (or bricks if spine rounding upwards) under shoulders, shoulder-width apart; look forward, lift chest;
12.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Head on folded blanket; shoulder blades tucked under, palms turned up, arms away from trunk; rest legs & breathe normally.
Monday 9:30a Intro: Week 1 (Jan 5, 2009)
Please note: to maintain anonymity, no names are given but rather lower case letters [ex. (a.)] are used to indicate conditions and the modifications made in class.
Four students - all returning, none brand new - attended class on Monday. One student (a.) returning from an injury falling on hip and previously diagnosed frozen shoulder.
Because all students have attended class for more than 6 months, less detail is given here in describing the poses than for the Saturday and Wednesday, Week 1 classes.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Extend & spread toes without hardening or overworking shins; pull up fronts and backs of thighs; press down evenly the mounds of the toes/forefoot;
— Lift inner knees, spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Extend & spread fingers without hardening the hand to maintain even extension in entire arm;
When fingers and/or wrists are hardened, fingers stretched to their maximum, the arm overworks, tension and exhaustion comes quickly. Conversely, if the hands and wrists are dull the arm is also dull and the shoulder cannot open;
Everyone to move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana (2x)
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Away from wall: everyone pushing thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up; (a.) difficulty lifting right arm above shoulder without moving entire right shoulder girdle or “shrugging”;
— At wall use ropes: Tadasana leg action; press pinky-side edge of palm into rope, palms facing, arms shoulder width apart; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation);
3.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Hold ropes, straighten arms drop bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
4.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
5.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they will always precede the side-to-side poses even if their listing is not repeated.
6.) Utthita Trikonasana (3x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Back against wall (2x); (a.) modification with bent elbow on right side;
— Face wall; with straight arm, upper palm presses brick to learn action of shoulder blade; (a.) modification with bent elbow on right side;
7.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Face wall, eyes forward; hands on wall, elbows bent, chest lifted; foot on angled bricks; bring hips parallel to wall; shoulder blades in & down;
8.) Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— Thighs back; concave back; chest forward, palms down; same action in shoulders;
9.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Head on folded blanket.
Four students - all returning, none brand new - attended class on Monday. One student (a.) returning from an injury falling on hip and previously diagnosed frozen shoulder.
Because all students have attended class for more than 6 months, less detail is given here in describing the poses than for the Saturday and Wednesday, Week 1 classes.
1.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
Tada = mountain, Asana = posture
Sama = same, Sthiti = stable
— Extend & spread toes without hardening or overworking shins; pull up fronts and backs of thighs; press down evenly the mounds of the toes/forefoot;
— Lift inner knees, spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Extend & spread fingers without hardening the hand to maintain even extension in entire arm;
When fingers and/or wrists are hardened, fingers stretched to their maximum, the arm overworks, tension and exhaustion comes quickly. Conversely, if the hands and wrists are dull the arm is also dull and the shoulder cannot open;
Everyone to move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana (2x)
Urdhva = upward, Hasta = hand
— Away from wall: everyone pushing thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up; (a.) difficulty lifting right arm above shoulder without moving entire right shoulder girdle or “shrugging”;
— At wall use ropes: Tadasana leg action; press pinky-side edge of palm into rope, palms facing, arms shoulder width apart; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation);
3.) Rope Utkatasana
Utkata = mighty, powerful
— Hold ropes, straighten arms drop bottom towards floor in a “seated” position to give traction stretch to side body and armpits; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation) to spread at upper back;
4.) Utthita Hasta Padasana
Utthita = extended, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
5.) Parsva Hasta Padasana
Parsva = side, Hasta = hand, Pada = foot
Utthita Hasta Padasana and Parsva Hasta Padasana are poses in and of themselves, but they are also a means to get into the side-to-side poses; their importance is not to be minimized and it should be understood that they will always precede the side-to-side poses even if their listing is not repeated.
6.) Utthita Trikonasana (3x)
Utthita = extended, Tri = three, Kona = angle
— Back against wall (2x); (a.) modification with bent elbow on right side;
— Face wall; with straight arm, upper palm presses brick to learn action of shoulder blade; (a.) modification with bent elbow on right side;
7.) Parsvottanasana
Parsva = side, Uttan = extended
— Face wall, eyes forward; hands on wall, elbows bent, chest lifted; foot on angled bricks; bring hips parallel to wall; shoulder blades in & down;
8.) Prasarita Padottanasana
Prasarita = wide spread, Pada = foot, Uttan = extended
— Thighs back; concave back; chest forward, palms down; same action in shoulders;
9.) Savasana
Sava = corpse
— Head on folded blanket.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Saturday 10:30a Intro: Week 1 (Jan 3, 2009)
Please note: to maintain anonymity, no names are given but rather lower case letters [ex. (a.)] are used to indicate conditions and the modifications made in class.
Twelve students - all returning, none brand new - attended class on Saturday. Several came up before class to discuss their conditions which were addressed in class. They included the following:
(a.) arthritis pain in both knees, worse on right
(b.) bruised/torn muscles in right ribcage and strained hamstring due to falling in sports injury
(c.) rotator cuff pain & stiffness in hips due to prior stroke
(d.) recently diagnosed enlarged heart
(e.) recently diagnosed high blood pressure
(f.) back pain due to previously diagnosed compressed vertebrae, worse during menstrual cycle
Bruce (BR) and I (KD) decided to have everyone put their mats at the wall for standing poses.
1.) Tadasana (Tada-asana; tada=mountain) / Samasthiti (Sama-sthiti; sama=same, sthiti=stability)
— Extend & spread toes without hardening or overworking shins; leg muscles are pulled up; press down evenly the mounds of the toes/forefoot;
— Lift inner knees, spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Extend & spread fingers without hardening the hand to maintain even extension in entire arm;
When fingers and/or wrists are hardened, fingers stretched to their maximum, the arm overworks, tension and exhaustion comes quickly. Conversely, if the hands and wrists are dull the arm is also dull and the shoulder cannot open;
Everyone to move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
(a.): arthritis in knees, bowed legs, collapsed arches & inner knees; couldn't lift inner knee in Tadasana
standing at the wall BR belted widest part of shins together, brick between heels & behind upper thighs;
(b.): feet apart and brick between legs to get inner knee lift; push thighs back;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana (Urdhva Hasta-asana; urdhva=upward, hasta=hand)
— Away from wall: everyone pushing thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up;
— At wall using ropes: Tadasana leg action; press pinky-side edge of palm into rope, palms facing, arms shoulder width apart; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation);
Student difficulties:
— Pain in upper back - compressing or "scrunching" too much in trapezium; roll arms from outside inwards to spread upper back & make space at neck
— Pain in lower back - overarching in lumbar spine; move ribcage back, lift from the pubic plate & open from armpits
3.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
— Students instructed to take arms back further than sides to "sharpen" and lift the side chest; focus only on arm and upper back action results in tension in neck/head due to overdoing.
(a.) & (e.) to demo, looking at their backs:
(e.) questioned the position of the shoulder blades, "don't they move together?"' (e.)'s are already close together with anterior thoracic spine; (e.) to spread first both at upper back & at sternum, then extend arms down to take shoulder blades down;
whereas (a.) has a rounded upper back, shoulder blades apart/ "winging out", needing inner edges to come in, then down to open chest/sternum; when arms were taken back neck scrunched up; (a.)'s elbows were belted & instructed to "break" the belt to widen at upper back, elbows also bent to roll upper arms from inside out
Discussion of dharana and dhyana in asana.
Dharana: concentration, focus on single point, imbalance of effort & energy throughout the pose. Dhyana: Diffusion of consciousness, engulfs the whole body, completeness, integration, steady flow of effort & energy where the self awareness is lost. In Tadasana with arms back there was dharana in the upper arms & side chest, but no dhyana. Learn to bring evenness of effort by degree to achieve the steady flow of energy and a completeness in the pose. Then the self blends with the soul.
4.) Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
— Fingers intertwined, arms out in front half way to teach taking the outer shoulder down (no hunching); keep upper back & shoulder blades in (no humping); (note: (b.) & (c.) did not do);
5.) Rope Utkatasana
— Holding ropes, extend arms straight to open side chest; buttocks "seated" back & down;
(b.): roll upper arm from outside in, no pain at ribcage/site of inury;
(c.): in shoulder rope harness held by BR to bring trapezium down; roll upper arm from outside in (external rotation); sit in chair to use body as traction;
6.) Utthita Trikonasana
— Back/hip against wall for support;
(c.): right leg belted, BR pulling to open hip, pushing left thigh back to stabilize;
(f.): more difficulty on right side due to compressed vertebrae; took right hand to higher brick & pressed front of left thigh towards wall to alleviate pain in right sacroiliac joint
7.) Savasana
— Blanket under head for support;
(b.): seated in chair, head on blanket on trestle;
(d.) and (e.): add'l folded blanket spine-wise under back chest to support heart;
(f.): bolster under knees, hips belted to alleviate pain/numbness in right lower back & leg
Twelve students - all returning, none brand new - attended class on Saturday. Several came up before class to discuss their conditions which were addressed in class. They included the following:
(a.) arthritis pain in both knees, worse on right
(b.) bruised/torn muscles in right ribcage and strained hamstring due to falling in sports injury
(c.) rotator cuff pain & stiffness in hips due to prior stroke
(d.) recently diagnosed enlarged heart
(e.) recently diagnosed high blood pressure
(f.) back pain due to previously diagnosed compressed vertebrae, worse during menstrual cycle
Bruce (BR) and I (KD) decided to have everyone put their mats at the wall for standing poses.
1.) Tadasana (Tada-asana; tada=mountain) / Samasthiti (Sama-sthiti; sama=same, sthiti=stability)
— Extend & spread toes without hardening or overworking shins; leg muscles are pulled up; press down evenly the mounds of the toes/forefoot;
— Lift inner knees, spread backs of thighs from inside out;
— Extend & spread fingers without hardening the hand to maintain even extension in entire arm;
When fingers and/or wrists are hardened, fingers stretched to their maximum, the arm overworks, tension and exhaustion comes quickly. Conversely, if the hands and wrists are dull the arm is also dull and the shoulder cannot open;
Everyone to move ribcage back so no pressure on heart, diaphragm, internal organs;
(a.): arthritis in knees, bowed legs, collapsed arches & inner knees; couldn't lift inner knee in Tadasana
standing at the wall BR belted widest part of shins together, brick between heels & behind upper thighs;
(b.): feet apart and brick between legs to get inner knee lift; push thighs back;
2.) Urdhva Hastasana (Urdhva Hasta-asana; urdhva=upward, hasta=hand)
— Away from wall: everyone pushing thighs, waist & ribcage forward to take arms up;
— At wall using ropes: Tadasana leg action; press pinky-side edge of palm into rope, palms facing, arms shoulder width apart; roll upper arms from outside in (external rotation);
Student difficulties:
— Pain in upper back - compressing or "scrunching" too much in trapezium; roll arms from outside inwards to spread upper back & make space at neck
— Pain in lower back - overarching in lumbar spine; move ribcage back, lift from the pubic plate & open from armpits
3.) Tadasana / Samasthiti
— Students instructed to take arms back further than sides to "sharpen" and lift the side chest; focus only on arm and upper back action results in tension in neck/head due to overdoing.
(a.) & (e.) to demo, looking at their backs:
(e.) questioned the position of the shoulder blades, "don't they move together?"' (e.)'s are already close together with anterior thoracic spine; (e.) to spread first both at upper back & at sternum, then extend arms down to take shoulder blades down;
whereas (a.) has a rounded upper back, shoulder blades apart/ "winging out", needing inner edges to come in, then down to open chest/sternum; when arms were taken back neck scrunched up; (a.)'s elbows were belted & instructed to "break" the belt to widen at upper back, elbows also bent to roll upper arms from inside out
Discussion of dharana and dhyana in asana.
Dharana: concentration, focus on single point, imbalance of effort & energy throughout the pose. Dhyana: Diffusion of consciousness, engulfs the whole body, completeness, integration, steady flow of effort & energy where the self awareness is lost. In Tadasana with arms back there was dharana in the upper arms & side chest, but no dhyana. Learn to bring evenness of effort by degree to achieve the steady flow of energy and a completeness in the pose. Then the self blends with the soul.

— Fingers intertwined, arms out in front half way to teach taking the outer shoulder down (no hunching); keep upper back & shoulder blades in (no humping); (note: (b.) & (c.) did not do);
5.) Rope Utkatasana
— Holding ropes, extend arms straight to open side chest; buttocks "seated" back & down;
(b.): roll upper arm from outside in, no pain at ribcage/site of inury;
(c.): in shoulder rope harness held by BR to bring trapezium down; roll upper arm from outside in (external rotation); sit in chair to use body as traction;
6.) Utthita Trikonasana
— Back/hip against wall for support;
(c.): right leg belted, BR pulling to open hip, pushing left thigh back to stabilize;
(f.): more difficulty on right side due to compressed vertebrae; took right hand to higher brick & pressed front of left thigh towards wall to alleviate pain in right sacroiliac joint
7.) Savasana
— Blanket under head for support;
(b.): seated in chair, head on blanket on trestle;
(d.) and (e.): add'l folded blanket spine-wise under back chest to support heart;
(f.): bolster under knees, hips belted to alleviate pain/numbness in right lower back & leg
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