
SweatyYaya is a blog created to help Yoga St. Louis Intro students with building a home practice. SweatyYaya is a memorable mispronunciation of the Sanskrit word: svadhyaya. Svadhyaya is the practice of self-study and is one of the niyamas (observances) presented in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


This blog is for information only and should not be considered medical advice of any kind.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday 10.30a Intro — Week 8 (October 24, 2009)

Focus: Focus: Emphasis on Virabhadrasana III, hip and shoulder blade actions. Keep the brain cells passive, quiet, and innocent while “intelligizing” the body to purge its tamasic ignorance, as taught by Geeta Iyengar in Pune July, 2009. See Tuesday 6.30p Intro — Week 34 (October 20, 2009) for details.

Discussion: Patanjali Yoga Sutra I.14, 17; What is Yoga Practice?
[See Thursday 9.30a Asana I — Week 34 (October 22, 2009)]

1. Invocation in Swastikasana
a. Geeta Iyengar, 7-4-09 quotes.

2. Tadasana/Samasthiti
a. Paschima Baddhanguliyasana arms to take the shoulder blades down towards the tail bone and lift the sternum chest.

3. Tadasana - Urdhva Hastasana - Uttanasana (10 X)

4. Utthita Trikonasana (2 X)

5. Utthita Parsvakonasana

6. Ardha Chandrasana

7. Parsvottanasana

8. Virabhadrasana I

9. Virabhadrasana II
a. Omitted for time.

10. Virabhadrasana III

11. Uttanasana [Baddha Hasta arms]

12. Adho Mukha Svanasana

13. Sarvangasana Cycle
a. Salamba Sarvangasana I

14. Savasana (5 min)
Geeta Iyengar, 7-20-09 quotes.

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